The garden lays in the bottom of Chisholm Creek, which flows north, out of north central Oklahoma City....
The garden lays in the bottom of Chisholm Creek, which flows north, out of north central Oklahoma City. In only a few miles this spring feed creek, that still flows today despite 20 months of drought, begins cutting a severe channel. At our place the channel is 50 yards wide and 30 yards deep. Heavy rain brings very deep and muddy currents. The heaviest rains and floods produced a very rich bottom just above the channel. At the garden site the flat bottom extends some 200 yards from the channel. Near an old elm was a nice flat area. The top soil is 2 feet deep. Here is some of the best soil I have ever started a garden.The bed area of the garden is about 100′ x 100′.
In Oklahoma, you need to irrigate a garden for reliable yields. The garden has a drip system. Lines are run along each bed. Each line has simple water emitters every foot and 1/2 that release a gallon per hour. Many of the wider beds will have two lines. There are 8 zones allowing different watering schemes for different cases. For tomatoes watered deep or seedlings getting water twice per day or potatoes who need 20 inches per season, all can be watered automatically with the system. Valve boxes are shown as green boxes.
The pasture, now fallow, had most recently kept horses, lamas and shetland ponies. The immediate site had few trees. Except for the mix of mighty Oaks (White and Shumardi), Elm, Walnut and Ash trees which line the creek channel, and sparse lower growing Oaks on the ridge which runs just above the bottom. The area was/is mostly pasture. One of these trees (pictured below) is a fine old Elm. My last few gardens have all had good places to sit. This Elm is just beside the garden. It should be a fine spot to sit and think or not-think.
Name sake of Elm Tree Garden. It shows poorly now. Hopefully it has survived our recent drought. Fence and gate not yet finished.
The past has been good for the bottom. Turkey, deer, coyote, ducks, geese and racoons are thick. The habitat is generous. The garden will need a good electric fence to keep the racoons and deer from wrecking the whole project. I plan on a 18 foot surrounding grass/clover mix ‘lawn’ kept short, onto which we will put a 5 wire electric fence. Low wires for rabbits and racoons and higher lines for deer. We can mow to keep the grass off the fence and the lawn will attract bees while holding up to some tractor and light traffic around the garden.
Over a long and lucky life I have accumulated a lot...
Since I was a student of mechanics and physics a better...
What is this monster slouching towards Bethlehem from...
People are hungry in Edmond, Oklahoma. There were times as a child that I was hungry. People don't get enough fresh vegetables. It is my hope to provide a source of nutritious fresh food to my community of local food banks, kitchens, friends and family.
The garden sits in the bottom land of Chisholm Creek and has great top soil and a nice flat 1/2 acre for cultivation. We have added a water well, irrigation and electricity.
The setting is my favorite reason to garden here. The old elm tree shades a nice sitting area from which to view the garden and the rich nature that comes and goes in the bottom.
Over a long and lucky life I have accumulated a lot...
Even in prosperous Edmond, food banks do a steady business serving the poor. Most efforts are operated by volunteers. They almost always need help. Please give cash or volunteer.
Great examples:
Regional Food Bank: where you can donate or volunteer.
Other Options, Inc. in OKC
Project66 Community Food Pantry in Edmond