The tomato grafting project is working. As you can see the result in these pictures. I waited too long...
The tomato grafting project is working. As you can see the result in these pictures. I waited too long to do the grafting and much of the scion (top) seedlings were to big to fit into the grafting clips. Next year I will be ready.
Some of the grafts wilted and are dead. But less than 1/4 of the plants wilted. The German Striped are strong looking despite having poor grafting union. See the bottom right of the following picture. These are German Stripe. The rest are Brandywine.
I hope to have enough Brandywine to do a good A/B test. I will plant 2 half rows (25 ft). Half of regular Brandywine (A) and half of grafted plants (B) will be planted in these side by side rows. Each 1/2 row will have 15 plants. I hope to have a few for my smaller garden too. There I will do a smaller similar test on the German Stripes.
In the background of this picture are the (A) tomato seedlings. They will have a big head start. Notice they are twice as tall as the grafts. I will also be able to plant the (A) seedlings on their side, burying most of the stems with just a few leaves above the soil. This helps the plant produce roots along the buried stem.
The grafted seedlings (B) must be planted with the graft above the ground so that all the roots are Colosus roots. But this will not be as effective as planting it on its side. I hope this does not skew my test.
Unless there is a frost in the 10 day forecast, these tomatoes will be planted in 2 weeks or about April 1st.
People are hungry in Edmond, Oklahoma. It is our hope to provide a source of nutritious fresh food by serving local food banks.
The garden sits in the bottom of Chisholm Creek and shows great promise with great top soil and a nice flat 1/2 acre for cultivation.
Over a long and lucky life I have accumulated a lot...
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People are hungry in Edmond, Oklahoma. There were times as a child that I was hungry. People don't get enough fresh vegetables. It is my hope to provide a source of nutritious fresh food to my community of local food banks, kitchens, friends and family.
The garden sits in the bottom land of Chisholm Creek and has great top soil and a nice flat 1/2 acre for cultivation. We have added a water well, irrigation and electricity.
The setting is my favorite reason to garden here. The old elm tree shades a nice sitting area from which to view the garden and the rich nature that comes and goes in the bottom.
Over a long and lucky life I have accumulated a lot...
Even in prosperous Edmond, food banks do a steady business serving the poor. Most efforts are operated by volunteers. They almost always need help. Please give cash or volunteer.
Great examples:
Regional Food Bank: where you can donate or volunteer.
Other Options, Inc. in OKC
Project66 Community Food Pantry in Edmond